Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Out with the Old and in with the New

Well it's a new month and you all (or ya'll according to Abby) know what that means...it's time for a riveting review of last month's read. Jill, I simply cannot wait a minute longer to read your fascinating take on Blood Brothers. I'm sure you have lots to say about this interesting book you recommended.

It's also time to start a new book: Smilla's Sense of Snow. This book tells a tale of murder and international intrigue amidst the snowy peaks of the mighty Alps. It's full of highs and lows, twists and turns and will leaving you thinking "hmmmm...that book gave me a whole new outlook on not only snow, but life itself." OK, maybe it won't because maybe none of what I just said is true. I'm pretty sure there is going to be some snow involved based on the title, but I haven't read much yet so the rest is still a mystery....a mystery we will all solve together as members of The Finer Things Book Club.


Lindy said...

Oh dear sounds intriguing. Todd, I'll be anxious to hear your thoughts after you've read the book. Every page.

Abby said...

Wow. I almost feel like we should start the "Hello, Dolly" fanfare to welcome Todd back after his long absence from the blog. Todd, it really is "nice to have you back where you belong."

Also, that was an incredible teaser for the new book. I can't wait to gain new insights into snow. It's always seemed such a simple form of precipitation but considering that Peter Hoeg wrote a whole book on the subject and that, according to wikipedia, the Eskimos have an infinite number of words for it, snow may turn out to be as many-layered and as powerful a metaphor for the human soul as the onion--and that is saying something.

Kris Tina said...

Am I the only one who thinks this book may be just as good, if not better, than "Blood Brothers?" Meaning, why aren't we reading good books? Books we like? Todd - where is the schedule - I need to have my page requirement broken down so I know what is expected of me.

Todd said...

Oh, sorry, here's your blasted schedule:

April 1: start at page 1
April 30: finish last page.

And how dare you assume that this is not going to be a good book. You haven't even read it yet, Kitty. What, are you judging the book by it's cover?

Lily said...

Is this some kind of cruel April Fool's joke, or are we really all back on the book club horse? I don't want to read about snow all by my lonesome. It sounds so...lonely.

I'm headed to the library to pick it up tomorrow. Is it a bad sign that all six copies are checked in?

Todd said...

I don't know what you are talking about Lily. No one has fallen off the book club horse. Sure, some of us never got up on the horse to begin with, but now we have a great book to read. As we head into spring's sunshine it will be refreshing to read all about the cold, the snow, and fictional people's tragic lives. Who wouldn't be on board for that?

I'm sure all 6 copies are in stock at your library because another book club just finsihed it and returned all their copies. That's really the only logical explanation. I hope you put a copy on hold or they might all be gone by tomorrow.

Abby said...

Lily, I experienced the same fear after taking a trip to two separate bookstores and finding no sign of Smilla--and, frankly, I'm not all that reassured by Todd's theory.
I will say, though, that Todd makes a compelling point that it will be good for me to take a blanket to the park and enjoy the 70-degree, sunny weather while I read about cold and snow and fictional people's tragedies. As Nafisi said, fiction teaches empathy and this will increase my ability to emphathize with those of you still living in winter.

Lily said...

True. Here I was hanging on to winter by a thread and then, thank goodness, it snowed yesterday morning. Forget the groundhog, I'm counting on our book club to help me prolong this winter. Thanks, Todd. And don't worry, I am numero uno on the hold list. Where would I be without your logical explanations? I've never really been on the best of terms with the left side of my brain.

Tracy said...

Do I have to read the book if I have already seen the movie?

Todd said...

Tracy, I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it. But, yes, you have to read it. It will be awesome.