Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fire and Ice

Hey y'all. I just wanted to remind y'all that this month's book is Blood Brothers by Nora Roberts. I've only read about 15 pages but so far it's been a scintillating read. I'm sure that Jill, this month's discussion leader, must have some deeply profound and possibly paradigm-shifting insights that drew her to this reading selection. We hope she will share at least some of them with us soon.

Also, I wanted to give y'all a heads up on April's reading selection. Todd will be guiding our foray into the enchanting world of "Smilla's Sense of Snow" by Peter Hoeg. (FYI Todd: this means you'll actually have to read the book -- or at least read enough reviews on to come up with a discussion question or two.)

[Note: Writing the titles for those books in this post, drew up very strong color images for me -- the red for Blood Brothers and the white for Smilla's Sense of Snow. I think it will be interesting to see if/how that plays into the books themselves and what significance, if any, we find in reading them one right after the other.]

1 comment:

Lily said...

*cricket chirp* *cricket chirp*

Where is everybody??