Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A quick poll . . .

Who has finished reading our first book? If you have finished-please jot down your thoughts. What did you like? What didn't you like? How can we make our awesome book club better? (Also I admit it--I still have about 65 pages left).


Todd said...

I just finished the book this morning. Whew...what a relief to have that done and to be ready for book #2.

Kris Tina said...

You are a BFL! If anything maybe you read the cliff notes. Maybe.

Todd said...

Kitty you are a big jerk. It's no wonder we are broken up. Now that we are apart you don't know what I've been reading so why don't you mind your own bee's wax?

Shana said...

Lets be honest I think my copy has been lost in transit..(it was supposed to be delivered before Thanksgiving) I may just have to read it overnight when it finally arrives. Am I a bigger slacker than Todd?

Abby said...

Shana, you are definitely not as big a slacker as Todd. Here's the proof: (1) you took steps to acquire the book; (2) you have declared a desire and a sincere intent to read the book; and (3) you did not try to cover up your slackerness with lies about how you'd just finished and were ready to move on (for shame, Todd, for shame -- that is almost as shameful as the fact that we have been waiting for MONTHS for a new post).

Good luck on getting the book, Shana. It will be a treasured addition to your library, regardless of when you actually get it (or read it).

Abby said...

Liked: the intense imagery, the strength of the contrasts, the depth of the characters -- they were so intriguing

Disliked: Nelly Dean--dumb unreliable narrators

Liked and Disliked: Heathcliff. He was both fascinating and extremely frustrating to me. I hated his selfish determination to destroy everything and everyone around him but I found his "love"/connection to Catherine fascinating.

Todd said...

Abby, you are the rudest friend I have never met! I am not a slacker. I checked Wuthering Heights out at my local library branch and proceeded to read it. I got about 30 pages in and decided I had enough. I thought about reading it and, as you know, it is the thought that counts.

And I would like to point out for the record that I read more than Shana and I don't care what kind of flimsy excuses she throws at you.