Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Welcome to The Finer Things Book Club blog! (This is my first official blog post and I feel slightly giddy.) I thought this template was particularly appropriate for a book club blog, especially in light of the fact that we are reading "Wuthering Heights" this month. (Although to tell the truth something darker and fiercer might be more appropriate for Wuthering Heights. Kris Tina, as discussion leader this month, I think you should feel free to change the look of the blog to match the novel.)

I've designated each member of the book club as an author on the blog, so y'all can initiate posts. Kris Tina will be responsible for posting about Wuthering Heights at least once this month, but y'all should feel free to both post and comment to your heart's delight. Also, I am a rookie blogger, so I think y'all should also feel free to add snazzy links, pictures, lists, etc., to the blog.

So -- as I said repeatedly to my adorable nephew, Hinckley, this weekend -- "Mark, get set, go!"

1 comment:

Lindy said...

Yeah! Thanks for getting our Finer Things up and running!